12th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering
28.8.2018 - 31.8.2018
Prague, Czech Republic
12th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering will be held at Czech Technical University in Prague from August 28 to August 31 in 2018. The event will be organised by the International Federation for Structural Concrete ( fib), the key international association working in the field of concrete and concrete structures, by the Czech Technical University in Prague and by the Czech Concrete Society (fib Czech national member group).
The event provides an excellent opportunity for PhD students to share scientific thoughts and findings with the international research community from all over the world in the following fields:
- Advanced materials
- Innovative structures and details
- Construction technology
- Structural analysis and design
- Strengthening and repair
- Monitoring and structural assessment
- Durability and life assessment
- Sustainability and life cycle management
Submit your abstracts until 30 October 2017 via on-line abstract submission system on the following website http://www.phdsymp2018.eu/submit-your-abstract.php.
For more information visit http://www.phdsymp2018.eu.