8th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change
7.10.2015 - 9.10.2015
Athens, Greece
Univerzita NKUA Athény (budova Kostis Palamas)
This year the Conference aims to contribute in increasing the world momentum for developing and implementing converging deep decarbonization pathways in the content of the forthcoming COP21 in Paris late this December 2015.
The Conference is divided into three main parts. The first is devoted to the policy dialogue, the second is devoted to presentations and discussions of the participants and the third is shaped as a 'Brokerage session' that will bring together scientists, policy makers and market stakeholders and facilitate them to present their activities (projects and programs), discuss about funding opportunities, especially in the context of Horizon 2020 calls.
Participants are welcomed to submit abstracts relevant to the main following topics:
- Policy issues
- Renewable Energy Sources
- Energy efficiency and conservation
- Electricity
- Conventional fuels
Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 31 July 2015
Notification of acceptance: 28 August 2015
Deadline for submission of full paper: 25 September 2015
More detailed information about the conference and submissions of the abstracts can be found here.