Kalendář akcí

Past events

Workshop Financial instruments supporting a low carbon economy 2014-2020


Sofitel Vienna, Praterstrasse 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria

Workshop Financial instruments supporting a low carbon economy 2014-2020 taking place on 20 October 2016 in Vienna, Austria. This is the first event within the new series of fi-compass workshops on ESI Funds financial instruments to support specific thematic objectives and sectors.

Sustainable Places (SP2016) conference

29.6.2016 - 1.7.2016

Sustainable Places 2016 will focus on energy efficiency in buildings on a neighbourhood, district and city level. It will cover research and innovation projects and initiatives across the construction value chain. One main aim of the conference is to act as a catalyzer for successful collaboration between EU projects.

Central Europe towards Sustainable Building Prague 2016

22.6.2016 - 24.6.2016

Thákurova 7, Praha

Czech Technical University in Prague and Czech Sustainable Building Society are pleased to announce that the 4th CESB conference will be held on June 22–24, 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic. The conference will be held under auspices of international conveners CIB, iiSBE, UNEP-SBCI and FIDIC and belongs to Sustainable Built Environment regional conference series leading towards World Conference SBE17 Hong Kong. CESB16 will contribute to UNEP 10YFP Sustainable Building and Construction Programme. 

32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2016)

20.6.2016 - 24.6.2016

The EU PVSEC is the world’s largest Conference in the field of photovoltaics and uniquely combines scientific, technological, industrial and application-related issues from the perspective of research and development, industry, finance and politics.