Passive House Days 2015
13.11.2015 - 15.11.2015
From 13 – 15 November 2015, Passive House buildings around the globe open their doors to introduce the public to the future of energy-efficient housing, offering first-hand experience from both architects and Passive House residents about the tangible benefits of the highly energy-efficient Passive House Standard.
The Passive House Days 2015 are organised by the International Passive House Association (iPHA) as a part of the EuroPHit and Sinfonia projects, supported in part by Intelligent Energy Europe.
iPHA encourages all those having a Passive House or are currently building one, to open their home, office or even construction site for the 2015 Passive House Days and thus share their experiences with others. In order to do so, they have to register their buildings on the Passive House Database, which provides the basis for the Passive House Days. Participating buildings must be registered on the database by 30 September 2015.
For further information, please visit the relevant iPHA website HERE.